
至黑之夜 熱血

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作者:DC 类型:漫畫
綠燈誓言:In brightest day, in blackest night,No evil shall escape my sightLet those who worship evil's might,Beware my power...Green Lantern's light!至白之日,至黑之夜邪魔難遁我視界當使惡徒畏我力綠燈之光耀天地!黑燈誓言:The Blackest Night falls from the skies......the darkness grows as all light dies......we crave your hearts and your demise......by my Black Hand-- the dead shall rise! 至黑之夜遮天日此消彼長暗吞光剜心攝魂汝命斃亡靈復出黑手役!
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